Have You Seen It?

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The resolutions are in full effect are JaG’s house, and it looks like blogging material has eluded me.  Yes, everyone, the time has come. I seem to have lost my mojo.

lost mojo

Apparently, filling 2 hours an evening with workouts and going to bed an hour or two early has left me with very little time for blogging material. What am I to do?!

I looked up “juggling mom” on the internet this afternoon, and this is the picture that I found.

vanderkam1 I literally laughed out loud thinking about how this mom “represents” me. I thought I’d make a few observations to help bring it more to scale.


So that’s where I am. Juggling--without a smile on my face and a duster in my mouth--all the directions my life is trying to take me and failing miserably at it. That’s where you come in. Do you work full-time? Do you exercise regularly? Do you actually cook meals for your family? What about cleaning the house? Do you actually do that?

It’s not necessarily that I can’t do it all. I’m just wondering when to do it all.  Do you have a system down that you’d like to share? Or are you feeling the same way and want to shout out a big “Holla!” at me?

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